CCC: Center Construction & Renovation Outline
At some point in their career, many briefing professionals are tasked with managing or otherwise coordinating a center construction project. This course explains how to prepare for the project, define requirements and budget, assemble the team, and write an RFP and/or an RFQ. It also explains the design and construction process, and how to bring the project to a successful conclusion.
Who Should Attend
Any briefing professional who may be, or who is currently, involved in a center construction or renovation project.
Course Outline
- The Big Picture – Define, Organize, Engage, Plan, and Fund
- Define your project: goals, requirements, challenges, limitations, etc.
- Organize: How to engage procurement, benchmarking, RFP and RFQ – what they are, how to write them, what to emphasize, what to expect.
- Defining and engaging internal and external teams including facility and architecture teams, IT/AV teams, Branding and content teams. Know what to expect and how to respond.
- Planning for the evolution of the Center – Designing in Flexibility
- Project Estimating and Funding: Develop a funding strategy or estimating guidelines. CapEx vs OpEx. How much do you need? How do you get it? Who might be responsible to fund the various elements?
- Execute: The design and construction process – what to expect: who does what and in what order; what are the deliverables
- The Customer Experience / Developing the Narrative & Stories
- Architectural Design and engineering
- Messaging
- Product Displays & Demonstrations
- Technology
- Furniture
- Moving in: installing and testing equipment and software; installing furniture, soft launch.
- Post-occupancy follow-up: Operations planning, headcount needs, service level agreements, optimization, de-bugging, and satisfaction surveys. What’s missing? What would you like to change? What if something breaks or doesn’t function properly?
- Sample RFQ and RFP
- Sample Benchmarking
- Sample project schedule
- Sample budget, funding strategy, or estimating guidelines
- Sample team organization chart
- List of project phases
- Sample construction documents
- Glossary of terms
- ABPM Core Competency Course (CCC) Credit